Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Are you stressed? Maybe this will help.

Please read these helpful tips on how to reduce stress. Though it is directed toward real estate, I believe it could apply to every career. I have tried some and they do work.

Renee's Remedies

Two of the most important stress reducer are: 1) Let God handle every aspect of your life. 2) "It is what it is". If you look at each situation these ways, you can accept the things you can not change and be assured the best Person for the job is handling the rest. Good luck.

1) Are you currently feeling overwhelmed about the amount of work you need to do?

Do you have too much to do and not enough time? Make your workload more manageable: Create a list of everything you need to do to clear your head. Prioritize the tasks to help you better focus on what's important. Also, break big projects into smaller pieces, don't over-commit yourself, schedule some "me" time with short breaks, and delegate when it becomes too much.

2) Do you find yourself getting more frustrated, angry, or even lashing out at your client when things don't go according to plan?

Stress can make you more irritable and anxious and even a small thing can trigger an emotional response. When this happens, you're likely overloaded and overworked. Before you react to the situation, take a mental break by counting to 10 or take a walk to release some of the energy. You'll be able to look at the situation with fresher eyes.

3) Do you often feel tired and fatigued?

After working a grueling day, you're bound to feel tired. But are you noticing yourself more tired than usual? Stress can zap your energy and motivation. Or, maybe you're tired during the day because you're struggling to sleep at night since work-related issues are keeping you awake and restless.

4) Do you find yourself enjoying what you do in real estate less than you used to?

If you're feeling worn out, hopeless, and unmotivated, you may be on the path to burnout. Excessive, prolonged stress can lead to burnout. If you find yourself withdrawing, more cynical, procrastinating with more tasks, and isolating yourself from others, you likely need to lighten your workload, get support from others, and re-evaluate your goals and priorities.

5) Do you often worry about things you cannot control?

It's normal to worry. But excessive worry isn't good for your health. Stressed people tend to feel like life is out of their control and dwell on the negative in situations. Negative thinking can drain your energy and motivation. Think happy thoughts and give yourself a pat on the back when you do a job well done.

6) Do you often find yourself eating when you're not even hungry?

Stress causes an increase in a hormone called cortisol, which can make you crave foods high in fat, salt, or sugar. You might find yourself reaching for the ice cream or mindlessly munching on treats when you're feeling stressed. By reaching for the unhealthy foods or skipping meals -- another common stress reaction -- you might experience blood sugar fluctuations that make stress worse, leading to poor concentration, moodiness, and feeling fatigued.

7) Do you find yourself taking part in more nervous habits, such as pacing, clenching your jaw, or biting your nails?

Often without realizing it, you might be performing nervous habits in response to stress, such as biting your nails, cracking your knuckles, pacing in your office, or clenching your jaw. Next time you catch yourself performing a nervous habit, ask yourself what stress is triggering this response.

8) Excerise.

When nothing else seems to be going right, try to squeeze in a workout. Going for a walk, run, bike ride, swim, or other exercise is an excellent way to feel better.

Exercise can improve your mood because it releases endorphins in your brain, a hormone that can even trigger feelings of euphoria. Physical exertion can add a wide variety of benefits to your life and is excellent for relieving stress. Be sure to consult your physician before starting any major new exercise program.

**Information taken from RealtorMag.com**

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'M JUST SAYIN!!!!! Christians have something to say.

Awake up American Christians! We are the God's adopted chosen children. Stand up for what is right and stop lying around being tread upon. Our God is mighty and can take back control of our country that we have allowed to run amuck.

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."


Thursday, April 8, 2010

National Realtor Open House THIS WEEKEND!!!!!

Realtors across the country are gathering together to bring you the largest open house extravaganza ever. This Saturday and Sunday many homes will be on display in your area.
Just look for the BLUE REALTOR BALLONS and stop on in.

You will find me at 752 McLaurin St, Griffin, Ga. 30223 between 2pm-4pm waiting to see you. This house won't last long because we're priced to sell. Owner says pull out ALL the stops and bring any offers.

Click on the sign to find out which the houses in your area will be open for the National Realtor Open House.

Deadline Approaching on New Home Tax Credit

Wow! It's almost here but its not too late. You have until April 30th. All you have to do is be under contract by April 30th to qualify. To learn more about how you can take advantage of this great credit before it's over click here and call me today to get on the path to the American Dream...Home Ownership!

Renee Goodman
McLeRoy Realty Associates, Inc

Saturday, March 13, 2010

OMG! He's at it again.

I really need to quit looking at the news. I could be on here all night. :)

Did you hear that Obama is at it again? He is trying to change the "no kid left behind" program. I commend him for being aggressive in tackling issues but please finish what you've started Sir.

Can someone please tell our president that "Rome was not built in a day".

The story......

Daylight Savings Time

Well guys, it's that time again. At 2 a.m. on Sunday morning most of us change our clocks to have that extra hour of daylight in the evening. (We won't talk about the hour of sleep we loose in the morning.) Have you ever wondered if people all over the world do this and whose idea was it to do this anyway and why?

I was reading this article on The Christian Science Monitors site and it seems that all around the world the issue of coordinating time has been a problem that needed a solution. In 1840, the British railroad system developed"railroad time" to keep trains from running on the same track at the same time. The US worked on ways to coordinate by using the time zones. Other countries use similar systems to for navigation between the northern and southern hemisphere. But our Daylight Savings Time actually started in Germany during World War I as a way to conserve coal and give workers more time to get things done before the blackouts that took place every day. During this time the idea caught on in other countries and by the end of WWII, America reinstated the practice.

In our world, where we are available 24 hours a day, it really seem crazy to continue the tradition but in as early as 1996 the US government made the change a standard and in 2007 voted to continue the practice.

What I want to know is what do you think? Do you look forward the "spring forward, fall back" or is it another of life's little headaches.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Credit Repair Tips

Credit. Does this word put fear in your heart or make you smile? Credit doesn't have to be some elusive magic black box. It's really very simple..........so they say.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

How many of you started your young adult life this way: Turned 18, received all these wonderful offers for credit cards, thought you could pay them off quickly because you have a really great job at the local fast food place.

You and probably 80% of America started this way. I have had many young people come to me full of debt and empty of hope.

Here are some key things to do if you find your credit out of control.

1. Check your credit at least once a year. Some people don't know that they have this wonderful tool at their disposal. http://www.annualcreditreport.com/. This site lets you receive a free credit report once every 12 months. There are no gimmicks or free trial things to deal with. By using this yearly credit report, you can stay on top of errors in your credit or if a place is not posting your credit or simply be alert to identity theft as quick as possible. Don't think that identity theft wont happen to you. According to the Fair Trade Commission it happens to 9 MILLION Americans each year. Yeah, it's that bad.

2. To increase your score, pay your bills on time. This is the most important way to have a good score. It sounds simple but when you are struggling, it can be the hardest. Tip: pay credit reporting items first. (car, house, loans). You don't have light in a house the bank forecloses on.

3. If you miss a payment, get current and stay current. You can always start over. Did you know that with most bills, if you pay before the next payment is due it won't go against your credit? Check with each bill provider to see what their policy is. Think of your credit as your "word". Not paying is the same as lying.

4. If you have credit cards, use them wisely. Credit cards are not the enemy. Our spending habits are. To increase your credit score, keep your balances at least one-third of the balance available. Pay as much as you can each month if you can't pay it off.

5. You can control how much your credit card limit is. One good way of controlling your spending is to keep your credit limits low. You can request that your limit stay at a certain amount. I keep mine at $300. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I can pay or borrow this amount if I get into trouble. Always think about your credit as if you may lose your job tomorrow. How can you get rid of your debt fast?

6. Look to the experts. Guys. There are LOTS of smart people out there. Don't reinvent the wheel. Really smart people find a process that works and they copy it. Here are some credit or debt-free gurus. Dave Ramsey ( I know this guys strategies work. I sold a house to one of his "now debt free" followers. Jean Chatzky (Seen on Oprah) and a local financial planner (always ask for references, years of experience and interview more than one. They hold your future in their hands.)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Facebook's like paypal?

What is Buxter? Check it out in this article posted in
Google news. I went onto Facebook under "My Account"
this morning and there it was. A new tab that says Payments.
What are your thoughts on this? Will it be a good thing or a bad thing?

Monday, March 1, 2010